The second step of designing a Data masking plan is assigning values to columns selected in Step 1, which will define how masking will be done.
Table of contents |
Selecting a Table to mask |
Column details |
Assigning values |
Generator outputs (basic) |
Constants |
Function |
Continuing to the next step |
A list of loaded Tables for each Data source is located on the left. The Search field, above the list of tables, can be used to search for a specific table.
The right side of the screen displays a list of loaded Columns when a certain Table is selected.
Figure 1: Step 2 - Selecting a table to mask
Column details can be opened by selecting the arrow buttons next to the column name. It will show:
Figure 2: Step 2 - Column details
A Masking category and a Masking value must be defined for each of the loaded Columns.
Possible Masking categories are:
Figure 3: Assigning values
Generator outputs are values that are generated using Add-on generators.
If "Generator outputs - basic" is selected as Masking category, "Generator details" button is enabled for that row. By clicking on it, a pop-up window for configuring Generator details is displayed. The user can define:
Is repeatable - if repeater will be used for that Generator. Options:
Details about the Generator - the user can additionally configure what values will be used as input values for Generator.
Generator input - automatically displays name and type of Generator input. Read-only.
Input category - possible options are:
Input value - specifies value that will be used as input value when generating data:
Figure 4: Generator details
Constants can be used as Masking category.
Possible Masking values for that Masking category are:
Empty string.
If no predefined Masking values or categories fulfill wanted behaviour, the user can choose 'Function' Masking category which allows them to provide custom C# code, or custom values (string).
If simple string constant is provided it should be enclosed inside double quotes (" "). Numbers or dates don't have to be enclosed.
GeneratorOutputs [FirstNameGenerator][Name]
"John Doe" (string input)
20 (number input)
01.01.2000 (date input)
Assignments for all columns of each table need to be defined for user to be able to continue to the next step of the Wizard (Step 3 - Repeater and Restartability stores). The 'Next step' button will be disabled until all Columns have assigned Masking value.
To cancel the process of designing a data masking plan, the user can click on the 'Cancel' button at any time.
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