Creating a data model on BizDataX Portal includes the import of schemas, tables, and columns to BizDataX Portal.
The data model is created in the BizDataX Portal database after retrieved via the connection string, and it is used when searching for sensitive data, creating a masking flow, and executing packages.
Table of contents |
Import to BizDataX Portal |
Picture steps |
Video steps |
Import to BizDataX Portal is a prerequisite for import into the BizDataX Designer. To import schemas, tables, and columns to BizDataX Portal, open the BizDataX Portal and do the following:
To create a project, click Create project button (plus icon) in the upper-right corner on the BizDataX Portal home page,
which will open Create project screen. Populate mandatory field Name and commit.
Open created project by selecting icon on project's panel:
which will open Project Dashboard screen with new navigation menu.
On navigation menu select 'Data management --> Data sources' or select icon on Data management panel on project's dashboard screen.
To create a data source, click the Create data source button in the upper-right corner.
Enter the Name and select the Analyzer type.
Analyzer types versions selected during the installation of the BizDataX Portal are now offered.
Since this guide uses an Oracle database, select Oracle
as analyzer type and commit.
To create an environment, click the Create environment button in the upper-right corner above the Environments grid that opens the 4-step wizard.
Enter the Name and Connection string.
An example is data source=localoracle:1522/xe;user id=system;password=oracle
To proceed to the next step that is a schema selection for the data model, save changes.
Select schemas for import, and to proceed to the next step that is a table selection for the data model, click the Next button.
Select tables for import, and to proceed to the next step that is a columns import to the data model, click the Next button.
All columns from the selected tables are automatically imported. The environment is imported and ready for use.
With confirming on Confirm (finish) button system will be redirected to Environments overview list screen, where all imported environment can be seen.
To see all imported metadata select from table menu option View environment details.
And to see imported metadata details select from table menu option View imported metadata details which will open pop-up window with Columns details overview table
and Relationship details overview table.
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