On the Design subset definitions screen user can create and define subset definition.
On the left side of screen there is a Toolbox, which contains all Tables from environment with possibility to make a search by table. Each table can contain table filters:
On the right side of screen there is a Design surface where user can design subset definition by dragging and dropping tables in it.
Table of contents |
Design subset definition |
Subset table details |
Expand all nodes |
Copy and Paste as loop |
Subset relationship details |
Execute Subset Definition |
On the left side of screen there is a Toolbox, which contains all Tables from environment with possibility to make a search by table. If a table contains global or custom filters, it will have an icon showing what type of filter the table has, Global, Custom or both filters.
Possible filter icons on the tables:
Tables from all Data Source that have defined filter 'Include all data', through global filters and all their implicit parents are called PassTrough Tables.
On the right side of screen there is a Design surface where user can define subset definition by dragging and dropping tables in it.
Root tables are found in the Subset definition at the root level.
When the root table is created, we can drag the next table to it and create a subset definition. In case there is no relationship or if there is more than one relationship in database between the two selected tables, pop-up window ‘Subset relationship’ will be open automatically for entering Subset relationship details.
Figure 1: Design Subest Definition
Dragging existing subset table without relationship will create new relationship. When dragging existing subset table that had relationship with another table (dragging existing subset table as child to another table) - that relationship will be updated with the new data.
When table is dragged to Design surface filter icons will be shown on SubsetTables if they exsists.
User can adjust SubsetTable details by right clicking on subset table (Figure2). This will open menu with possibilities to:
By choosing ‘Subset table details’ on right click on some table on the Design surface, pop-up window will be open.
Figure 2: Subset Table Details
The following table details can be entered:
Figure 3: Subset Table Details
To confirm inserted custom filter criteria press Confirm button or press Cancel button to exit without saving changes.
By choosing ‘Expand all nodes’ on right click on some table pop-up window this will ekspand all related tables which are under selected table.
Figure 4: Expand all nodes
To expand all open child nodes, user can also choose Expand button:
"Loop" relation is the relation that points to existing tree element in the parent hierarchy (arrow pointing to the left and to above). Copy (as a loop) can be used as much the user needs.
Figure 5: Copy As Loop
Figure 6: Loop
When relationship or table is selected and highlighted, with left key mouse pressing, it can be Deleted on two ways:
Figure 7: Delete subset node
When table is dragged user can adjust relationship dialog. Relationship dialog between two tables is a line with relationship button:
By placing the mouse on the relationship button the relationship between the two tables is shown. On left-click the relationship node is coloured as selected node. Both, source and target table will be "highlighted" in project colour.
Figure 8: Subset Relationship between the two tables
Right-click on the relationship button, a menu with one option opens: 'Subset relationship details' where the user can enter more details about subset relationship.
Figure 9: Subset Relationship
By selecting 'Subset relationship details', pop-up window for viewing or defining Subset relationship details will be open.
The following relationship details can be entered:
Relationship - Possible relationship:
Parent columns - If Parent columns exist it will be automatically entered. User can also add Parent columns for parent relationship table.
Child columns - If Child columns exist it will be automatically entered. User can add Child columns for child relationship table.
Figure 10: Subset Relationship
When selecting a new Parent-Child column relationship from the drop-down list, system opens a new key entry row. If there are no more input options, all keys from the drop-down list are used, a new relationship can no longer be added.
Replacement strategy -The user can choose the following strategies:
Replacement values - If Replacement strategy is ‘Report error’ or ‘Random value’, Replacement value is protected and it is not mandatory. If Replacement strategy is ‘Values from list’, Replacement values fields are open and user must enter some constant value. In this case field is mandatory.
Figure 11: Replacement strategy
To delete entered values press Delete button.
To confirm inserted relationship details press Confirm button or press Cancel button to exit without saving changes.
If no replacement value is added and Execution subset definition is started this message will be shown: ‘Replacement strategy for relationship ‘Parent-Child column names’ requires values.’
Figure 12: No Replacement strategy
When Define Subset Defitinion is ready, user can execute it by pressing Execute button. This will open Subset Execution Parameters pop-up window. (Figure8) where user must enter Target database name.
Figure 13: Execute Subset Definition